just what I’m hungry for

by kye on September 13, 2009

It’s midday, and my hunger feels luxurious: luxurious in its intensity and its incipient knowing.

So I’m sitting down with it.  I’m like a lover, asking my loved other, ‘where do you want to go?’ —and then waiting with no hurry.

Like a little child, my hunger is just pure raw desire.  It’s too hungry to tell me what it’s hungry for.

‘Eggs?’ I ask.  — ‘No, I don’t think so.’

‘Some of the leftover split pea soup?’ — ‘No!!’

‘…A glass of orange juice?’ ‘Yes! Exactly!  But more than just that…’

We wait.

Oh!  That basil from the farmer’s market yesterday morning.  With tomatoes, and onions, and butter, and cream… a soup.  Some of the sourdough alongside.  A salad with the last of the frisee and some pears, walnuts, and blue cheese.


  • jsdixon

    Waiting and listening is definitely something important. Its really easy to forget in our daily rush, that sometimes the right answer requires us to just wait.

  • http://sharingsuccess.tv/ jai kai – SharingSuccess.tv

    Kye…Thank you, this post just reminds me to slow down and not just eat the things that are most convenient when I'm feeling famished

  • kye

    Yes exactly, both together–both waiting and listening. We live in a culture of urgency. When rush is 'in the air' it takes a very deliberate choice to wait for that extra minute, so that the right answer can come.

  • kye

    Sometimes I discover that the most convenient thing is also the thing that would be exactly right :)

  • unwrapyourmind

    That is something for the hunger on all levels. Basically it is what I use to find out, what I really want to do now in my life.

    Thanks, Kye.

  • kye

    :) I like how you put it–'the hunger on all levels'

  • kye

    :) I like how you put it–'the hunger on all levels'

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