
by kye on September 3, 2009

separation isn’t time or distance
it’s the bridge between us
finer than silk thread sharper than a sword

–Nazim Hikmet

  • Karlil

    Separation which are inevitable. Some will refuse to face it in early phase, but will eventually move on. Sad how emotions alone cannot make a relationship last.

  • kye

    Karlil, you're right: emotions alone can't make a relationship last. An interesting thing happened though when I read your comment just now. Rather than feeling sad about it, I felt pleased that that is so.

    It's because small, nonverbal, tangible expressions of care are such an important part of a relationship–ordinary garden-variety things like doing the dishes, or taking care of each other when sick.

    These things disappear in separation… all that is left is feeling, and feeling by itself is thin and ghostly.

  • kye

    Karlil, you're right: emotions alone can't make a relationship last. An interesting thing happened though when I read your comment just now. Rather than feeling sad about it, I felt pleased that that is so.

    It's because small, nonverbal, tangible expressions of care are such an important part of a relationship–ordinary garden-variety things like doing the dishes, or taking care of each other when sick.

    These things disappear in separation… all that is left is feeling, and feeling by itself is thin and ghostly.

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